Photo above: Left to right: Aunt Tenna, Uncle Teddy, and my mother Brenda. My uncle Teddy passed away suddenly yesterday while visiting Florida for the winter. He will be missed by family and friends. I'm sure you are enjoying eternity with the Lord Uncle Teddy, we love you!
WOD: 2/22/13
Split Jerk
500m row
50 double unders
50 air squats
50 situps
400m row
40 double unders
40 air squats
40 situps
300m row
30 double unders
30 air squats
30 situps
200m row
20 double unders
20 air squats
20 situps
100m row
10 double unders
10 air squats
10 situps
WOD: 2/23/13
10 to 1 Hand stand pushups
1 to 10 C2B pullups
example: 10 hspu, 1 C2B pullup, 9 hspu, 2 C2B pullups, 8 hspu, 3 C2B pullups....etc
WOD: 2/24/13
12min AMRAP
12 Box Jumps (24in)
9 Toes to Bar
6 Clean and Jerk (135lbs)
Cashout: 40 Pistols, 40 Hand release pushups