Sunday, February 24, 2013

Getting close to the open!

Photo above: Left to right: Aunt Tenna, Uncle Teddy, and my mother Brenda. My uncle Teddy passed away suddenly yesterday while visiting Florida for the winter. He will be missed by family and friends. I'm sure you are enjoying eternity with the Lord Uncle Teddy, we love you!

WOD: 2/22/13

Split Jerk


500m row
50 double unders
50 air squats
50 situps
400m row
40 double unders
40 air squats
40 situps
300m row
30 double unders
30 air squats
30 situps
200m row
20 double unders
20 air squats
20 situps
100m row
10 double unders
10 air squats
10 situps

WOD: 2/23/13

10 to 1 Hand stand pushups
1 to 10 C2B pullups

example: 10 hspu, 1 C2B pullup, 9 hspu, 2 C2B pullups, 8 hspu, 3 C2B pullups....etc

WOD: 2/24/13

12min AMRAP

12 Box Jumps (24in)
9 Toes to Bar
6 Clean and Jerk (135lbs)

Cashout: 40 Pistols, 40 Hand release pushups

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Past 3 WOD's (Busy time of year)

Photo above: Doing 285lbs pause back squat during my 5x5

WOD 2/17/13

Even Minutes: 7 Deadlift (245lbs)
Odd Minutes: 10 Burpees

WOD 2/18/13

Pause Back Squat 5x5 (225, 245, 265, 285, 305)


Thrusters (100lbs)
KB Swings (70lbs)
Box Jumps (24in)

WOD 2/19/13

Power Clean 3-3-3-2-2-2-1-1-1 (135, 185, 205, 225, 245, 245, 255, 265, 275 <--- PR)


3 Power Clean (135lbs)
6 Wallball (20lbs)
9 HR Pushups

*Finished with 12 Rounds, 8 Reps*

Thank you for continuing to read this blog (if you are). I'm getting to a busy time of year as I'm trying to keep up with my workouts, coaching high school baseball, instructing crossfit 2 days a week all on top of my full time job. Please be patient with me as I will probably only be posting 2 days a week. I'll try to get to it more and will try to have more Bible WOD's soon. Thank you all! Keep training and staying in THE WORD!

Friday, February 15, 2013


WOD: 2/11/13

"Freddie's Revenge"
5 Rounds of:
5 Push Jerks (185lbs)
10 Burpees

WOD 2/12/13

Clean 5x2 (185, 205, 225, 245, 245)

4 Rounds of:
10 Dumbbell Snatch (90lbs) (5 each arm)
15 Toes to Bar

Cashout: 40 Ring Dips

WOD 2/13/13


Push Press, 5 Reps, EMOM for 5min w/ 165lbs


25 Burpees

4 Rounds
10 Lunges with bar on back (135lbs) (5 each leg)
20 box jumps (24in)

25 Burpees

Cashout: L-sit Hold for a total of 1min (start the clock when you begin and stop the clock every rest)

WOD: 2/14/13

Friday, February 8, 2013

Some pullups and an AMRAP

Photo above: 520 Deadlift, horrible face. haha

WOD:  2/7/13

2k Row


100 pullups w/ 5 burpees every minute on the minute

WOD: 2/8/13

Front Squat 5x3


15min AMRAP of:
7 Deadlift (225lbs)
14 Chest to floor pushups
21 Squats

Cashout: 2min L-sit hold on parallette's (the clock starts when you are holding yourself up and stops each time you have to take a break.)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A fun 21-15-9

Photo above: My family, Mom, nephews, and oldest brother

WOD: 2/7/13

Snatch 5x2 (95, 135, 155, 155, 175)


Front Squat (155lbs)
Box jump (30in)
Toes to Bar

WOD: 2/6/13


Monday, February 4, 2013

Split Jerks and a quick WOD

Photo above: I was able to WOD with the 5:30pm crew today. I'm hitting the chest to bar pullups.


Split Jerk 5x2 (155, 175, 195, 225, 245)


50 Situps
15 OH squats
15 C2B pullups
50 Situps
12 OH squats
12 C2B pullups
50 Situps
9 OH squats
9 C2B pullups

Time: 7:27

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Seeking God in your Marriage


Power Cleans 3-3-3-2-2-1-1
(155, 185, 205, 225, 245, 255, 265)


2 Corinthians 6:14

14 Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?

We live in a time where divorce rates are at it's highest. I think there are several reasons behind this...
1. Satan is hard at work.
2. People are getting married for the wrong reasons. (lust for example)
3. Unbelievers are being married or an unbeliever marrying a believer.
4. God is not the center of the relationship.

God has to be the center of a relationship for it to be a successful one. The verse above instructs us as Christians to make our close companions, Christians, whether it be friends or significant others. Society today has taken God out of everything. You can see how the world is self destructing as we gradually take God out of the picture. Look around you, look at the public school system, who has taken God out of the classroom. I can't say that I'm surprised to see all these school shootings. As humans, we like to think we are in control of our lives and everything that goes on around you. May I remind you that God is the one in control and without him we are nothing.

Now I'll turn my focus back on relationships. I just wanted to illustrate how other things fail when God isn't the center of it.

If you remain unmarried I urge you to put all your focus on God. We are here to serve Him and glorify Him. If you understand what God's will is for you then you will start having a desire to fulfill that will instead of your own. Ground yourself in the Word of God and make your faith strong so that you can stand up to Satan when he seeks to tempt or destroy you.

 If you get discouraged about being alone or feel like God as nobody for you, remind yourself that you are God's servant. Maybe he wants you to be alone so you can be a better servant to Him without the distraction of a woman/man. If it is God's will for you to have a companion then He will send you one at the proper time. Our timing isn't God's timing. If you are weak in your faith then a woman/man can cause you to start wanting to please them first instead being a servant of God like you should be. It's very important to be a strong example of a Christian to your significant other. You will attract other Christians or possibly cause an unbeliever to come to Christ just by the examples you set.

If you are married or in the process of I urge you to put God first in your household. God will bless those who serve Him. I've seen marriages fail and they are left wondering "what went wrong?" The problem was that God had no part in their life or relationship from the start. I've had a few people come to me asking for advice about their relationship. I tell them they need to have God at the center of their relationship. When I give them that advice they often come back and ask why nothing is changing. They say "I'm reading the Bible, praying, and fitting God into my relationship." I tell them to stop and think about these questions... "Are you seeking God just because you want your relationship to work out?"  "Are you putting Him first in your life or are you just fitting Him in when it's appropriate for you?" "Is your heart on knowing God and His will or is your reason for seeking God just solely to make your relationship work out?" Sometimes we don't realize our motives behind seeking God are entirely the wrong one's. Often, we seek God only when things aren't going our way. We want them to go our way so we start talking to God more to get our way. This would be an example of the wrong motive. We should be seeking God because we desire to know Him, have a relationship with Him, until He becomes so real to us! (John 17:3) Once we have Christ as our foundation then He will build us up as strong Christians who can overcome troubles in our lives and marriages when Satan attempts to destroy them. If Christ IS the foundation of your marriage then who can destroy what Christ builds up? If you look at the marriages that have failed then you will see that they DID NOT have Christ as the foundation. Do you want your marriage to be a successful one? Then I urge you to seek a relationship with God FIRST, so that you can have a much better relationship with your wife/husband, second.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Muscle ups, wallball and situps, OH MY!

WOD: 2/1/13

9 Muscle Ups
50 Wallball
50 Situps
7 Muscle Ups
40 Wallball
40 Situps
5 Muscle Ups
30 Wallball
30 Situps
3 Muscle Ups

WOD: 2/2/13


Great job to the competitors of Country Roads Crossfit in the Winter Chiller Games. Sorry I couldn't make it! Working all night and trying to stay up all day before working another night shift is something I did not want to do! Hopefully I can come support you all next time!