Saturday, March 2, 2013

Bible WOD: Living Out Our Salvation

BIBLE WOD: 3/1/13

Ephesians 2:10
For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Yesterday, we buried my uncle after he passed away on Saturday while visiting Lakeland, FL. Sometimes, it takes the death of a loved one to make us evaluate our lives. We only get one chance to live this life but with this life we have to accept Jesus Christ as our savior if we want the promises He made to us. The whole attitude of  "You only live once so live it up!" is a big problem! These people who live to please themselves are living a life leading to destruction. As Christians our attitude should be, "Christ gave me this life to glorify Him, so how can I serve Him today?" Once we are saved, our lives no longer belong to us but to Christ. We are to live out our salvation, spreading the gospel, serving the Lord, and doing all we can to help the church.

Why is it so hard for us to take the time to serve God, who gave us life?
The problem is, He's not real enough to us and we are more concerned with material things. We find it pretty easy to get up and go to work every day, why? Because we have that nice paycheck to look forward to every week or two! If Christ was real to us then His promises would also be real to us. He promised us eternal life, a relationship with him forever, and treasures in heaven if we accept Him and serve Him! There is a life after this one but it's up to us where we will spend it.... Heaven or Hell. If you're saved then shouldn't you be living your life for Christ because you understand the pain and suffering He went through on the cross for you? We need to live out our salvation every day, glorifying God because we love Him and know that His promises are real. But instead, we choose to make time for other things that please our flesh and that causes us not to have time for serving the Lord. God has given us plenty of time in a day to serve Him but it's up to us to make that time. What's 30 minutes out of your day to read the Bible or do something that glorifies God? You might have to miss some of your favorite TV show or maybe have to put off something you like to do but I promise you that it will be time well spent. You only get one chance in this life to serve our Creator and Savior, so make sure you put Him number 1 in your life because WE are number 1 in His. He loves us, the Bible makes that clear all the way through.

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